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Home page for spenders

Information displayed on the Home page | Home page for users

Updated over a week ago

The Home page is the first page you see when you sign in to your expense management account. It gives you a holistic view of the pending activities, current expenses, reports and connected corporate cards. You can take various actions from the Home page.

My expenses and My expense reports

Expenses have 2 states:

  • Incomplete expenses: Incomplete expenses have mandatory expense details missing. These details should be filled in and saved to the expenses. Once these details are added and saved, they'll automatically be marked as Complete.

  • Complete expenses: Complete expenses have all the mandatory information filled in and are ready to be added to an expense report.

Expense reports are also divided into 2 primary states:

  • Draft expense reports: Draft expense reports haven't been submitted for approval yet.

  • Submitted expense reports: Submitted expense reports have been submitted for approval.

My card

The card connected to your account will be visible in the My card section. Only the last 4 digits of the card are visible for security purposes.

You can select the incomplete or complete card expenses to view a list and take any required action.


The tasks section lists any action items pending on your end. Select any task to be redirected to the best page to complete it.

Note: The appearance of your Home page may differ based on your business's configuration.

If you have any more questions about your home page, reach out to our support team at

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